This preventive care testing has added to our understanding of what is normal for your best friend, establishing a baseline that we will compare to in the future. When you bring your pet back for testing each year, we will track subtle changes more effectively. This improves our ability to detect disease in your pet even when values are normal, or before any outward signs of illness can be seen. By spotting problems at the earliest possible stage, we may prevent or treat disease with greater success. The more data we have, the better we can support you in providing your pet with a long, healthy and happy life!

Blood: A complete blood count was used to screen for: anemia, inflammation, infection, stress, leukemia, bleeding problems, hydration, and ability to fight infection.

Heart & Lungs: Clinical assessment indicates how your pet's heart and lungs are functioning.

Liver & Gallbladder: The liver is a large organ with many different functions. It produces bile which is stored in the gallbladder and is important for fat digestion. The liver makes protein and cholesterol and is involved in most aspects of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. The liver also removes toxins from the blood and it is important to know the liver is healthy prior to starting many medications. Diagnostic tests indicate that your pet's liver and gallbladder are functioning normally.

Kidneys: Kidneys are responsible for filtering metabolic waste products, excess sodium, and water from the blood stream, as well as conserving vital electrolytes. Diagnostic tests indicate that the kidneys are functioning normally. Blood A complete blood count was used to screen for: anemia, inflammation, infection, stress, leukemia, bleeding problems, hydration, and ability to fight infection. Your pet's blood results are normal.

Thyroid: Thyroid hormones control how quickly the body uses energy. As your pet ages, thyroid function can become abnormal and cause illness. Diagnostic tests indicate normal thyroid hormone levels.

Pancreas & Intestines: The pancreas is a small organ located near the small intestines and is responsible for producing several digestive enzymes and hormones that help regulate metabolism. The intestines are needed for digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Clinical assessment indicates adequate pancreatic and intestinal functions.